Sorry I missed the Christmas post. I hope everyone was able to enjoy time with their families and friends.
With that being said, I feel the need to focus more on my spiritual growth, change my eating habits, and get back into regular exercise. While I have always worked on my spiritual growth, I let my eating habits and exercise routine take a back seat to everything else. At my age, I want to make things more simple and still enjoy life.
I noticed too, that when I don't feed my creativity, I become less creative. I've been struggling with my current WIP, "Guardians." Not only that, but my computer has given me so many problems that I'm ready to trade it in. It's only a year old, but I didn't realize that the hard drive was only 450 G. Most of that is taken up by applications, that there isn't room for it to "process" things, let alone, save items. Even with an external hard drive, it won't save anything to the external drive. So, that's on the agenda for the coming year.
In the mean time, in order to do some brainstorming of ideas for new stories, I need 'input.' To get this 'input' of information, I plan on doing some reading, watching movies, walking and exercising more. All these stories and movies start cooking up new ideas in my head when I exercise and keep my mind free from any serious thoughts (except getting through the exercise.) I sometimes have great ideas when I'm washing dishing or folding clothes--things that don't require thinking.
How about you? What do you do to acquire new ideas?